Institutional Context

Trade, by its nature, is a cross-cutting issue. The National Trade Facilitation Committee coordinates all governmental and non-governmental entities within the scope of International Trade.


The Ministry of Commerce and Industry is responsible for coordinating internal and external trade, including negotiating trade agreements, developing trade strategies and policies, promoting exports and coordinating trade facilitation activities. The Ministry has two directorates linked to trade – one for internal trade, ie within the country, and another for external trade, ie between Mozambique and other countries. The Ministry has provincial delegations in each province and also provides services to traders through its Balcões de Assistência Único. An important service provided by these is the licensing of traders to carry out import and export activities. All traders must be registered and get their Foreign Trade Operator License, which can be for imports, exports, or both.


Equally critical to trading is a General Directorate of Customs, which defines and implements customs policies and procedures.


A number of other governmental and non-governmental institutions are involved in the trade, including those that issue import or export licenses and certificates, regulate trade in specific products, set national quality standards, and represent private sector entities.


For more information about the institutions mentioned on this page, follow the links below:

Consuling Board

Silvino Augusto José Moreno

Your Excellency Minister of Industry and Commerce

Ludovina Bernardo

Your Excellency Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce

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